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Gender and Women's Studies Course Descriptions


Magali Roy-Féquière

Chair & Associate Professor of Gender & Women's Studies; Chair of Africana Studies

2 East South Street

Galesburg, IL 61401-4999



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Ford Center for the Fine Arts

GWST 101 Women, Culture, and Society

An introduction to the analysis of culture and society from a feminist perspective. Using gender as a category of analysis, and with attention to the distribution of power in society, we explore such questions as: What are the shaping influences on women's lives and how do women's lives compare with men's? What is the interplay of gender, race, and class in cultural forms and social institutions? What kinds of biases have shaped our understanding of biological "facts," literary "value" and historical "importance"? PI; SA; Staff

GWST 167 History of Gender and Sexuality in the U.S.

This course seeks to recover the shifting history of what gender and sexual identity have meant in American history to the present day. Personal choice, cultural possibility, and the operations of the state have all come together to shape the ways in which people experienced sex and attraction (or did not), and understood masculinity, femininity, and non-binary identities over time. Through readings, short stories, oral histories, illustrations, and photographs we will engage with this history in search of a more complex understanding of present-day debates around these issues. Cross Listing: HIST 167; PI; SA; Offered alternate years; C. Denial

GWST 205 Queer Indigeneities

We will explore the power of Queer Indigeneities to disrupt fictions around Indigenous peoples imposed by Western hetero-patriarchy and Christian mythologies about Indigenous sexualities. We will trace a genealogy of theorists, activists, creative writers, performance artists, and filmmakers who employ Indigenous-centered approaches to understanding gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, and Two-Spirit (GLBTQ2) lives and communities. This course traverses disciplines including literature, performance studies, queer theory, and Indigenous feminisms, while critiquing the relationship between colonialism and hetero-patriarchy. The course foregrounds contemporary queer Indigenous lived experience(s) and conversations in Two-Spirit/Queer Indigenous Studies. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: PJST 205; SA; PI; L. Trapedo Sims

GWST 206 Theory in the Flesh: Writings by Feminists of Color

This course is an introduction to the rich and diverse contributions of women of color to feminist theory. We investigate the question of why many non-white, non-middle class women have challenged the claims and practices of Euro-American feminism. Black, Chicana, Asian-American and Native American feminists address race and racism as it affects their lives and invite white feminists to do the same. The goal is to renegotiate a basis for feminist solidarity. Cross Listing: AFST 206;PJST 206; M. Roy-Fequiere

GWST 207 Black Women in the Civil Rights Movement

An historical survey of Black women in the modern Civil Rights Movement, especially of their significant contributions. We shall explore the virtual silence regarding those contributions for almost a quarter of a century and how that silence was broken. The most prominent organizations will be examined and the gender and class issues that evolved. Finally, the sexism of Black men in the movement will be assessed, along with interracial relationships. Cross Listing: AFST 207; Staff

GWST 208 The Sociology of Gender

This course provides an examination of the ways in which social systems create, maintain, and reproduce gender dichotomies with specific attention to the significance of gender in interaction, culture, and a number of institutional contexts, including work, politics, family, and nation. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing and previous coursework in sociology; Cross Listing: ANSO 208; Staff

GWST 221 Gender and Literature

Emphasis is on the use of gender as a category of analysis by which to examine literary characters, styles, and techniques, as well as the circumstances and ideology of authors, readers, and the literary canon. Cross Listing: ENG 221;ENG 221; M. Roy-Fequiere; staff

GWST 222 Women and Modern Chinese Literature

This course explores the crucial role that women played in shaping modern Chinese literature. We will make close readings of short stories, autobiographies, novel excerpts, and complete novelettes of mostly female writers, exploring the ideas, themes, and theories that they were exploring while breaking new ground. We will also be dissecting these readings through our own contemporary literary lenses as a means of expanding the students' skills of literary interpretation and criticism that will be a concomitant benefit to the expansion of the students' knowledge of China and both its literary and historical past. Cross Listing: ASIA 221;CHIN 221; IC; PI; Offered annually, typically winter; W. Du

GWST 227 Women and Latin American Politics

The varied roles that women play in politics--from international politics to personal politics--are considered. The focus is on the different ways in which women define their interests and act upon them, but gender in a broader sense (including men's roles) is analyzed. This course will analyze these issues in the context of a number of Latin American countries. Prerequisite(s): one course in social science or gender and women's studies required; Cross Listing: LAST 227;PS 227; PI; SA; K. Kampwirth

GWST 231 Populism in Latin America

Many of the most famous (or infamous) political leaders in Latin America - people like Evita Peron, Lazaro Cardenas, Rafael Correa and Hugo Chavez - are known as "populists." This course evaluates such leaders, with particular attention to the role of class and gender in their political careers. Other themes to be addressed include: charismatic leadership, classic populism vs. neopopulism vs. radical populism, the uneasy relationship between populism and democracy, feminism and populism, and the meanings of populist followership. Prerequisite(s): One previous Political Science or History class; Cross Listing: PS 231; PI; SA; K. Kampwirth

GWST 235 African American Women Writers

A broad survey of the poetry, fiction, autobiographies and literary criticism of African American women. Beginning with late eighteenth-century poetry, we explore the themes and images of black women and men, language, settings, and form of that literature. With African American women at the center of discourse speaking as subjects, we further examine the interlocking of gender, race, and class and the uniqueness of their experience as reflected in their literature, as well as how the historical context of internal colonialism has affected their voices. Cross Listing: AFST 235;ENG 235; M. Roy-Fequiere

GWST 238 Latin American Women Writers

The past two decades have seen the rise of an unprecedented number of Latin American women writers who have made important aesthetic contributions to the literary traditions of their countries. This course examines some of their works paying special attention to the gendered politics and poetics of the text. Among some of the works included are Nellie Campobello's novels of the Mexican Revolution, the testimonial narrative of Elena Poniatowska, the magical realist works of Isabel Allende. All works are read in English translations. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing; Cross Listing: LAST 238; M. Roy-Fequiere

GWST 243 Philosophies of Feminism

This course explores the theoretical frameworks by which feminists explain the exploitation and oppression of women. The aim of this course is to understand how feminists conceive of sexism, how they model a nonsexist society, and the manner in which they believe this society may be established. We proceed historically, beginning with Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of A Woman, ending with contemporary feminist issues. Among the varieties of feminist thought covered are Enlightenment feminism, cultural feminism, Marxist feminism, psychoanalytic feminism, radical feminism and contemporary French feminism. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing; Cross Listing: PHIL 243; W. Young

GWST 248 Teaching Assistant (1/2 or 1)

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor; May be graded S/U at instructor's discretion; Staff

GWST 261 Women and Film

This is a course examining the representation of women in the cinematic medium. We will especially focus on the intersection of two interpretive theories, psychoanalysis and feminism, and their multi-varied application to the literary text that is cinema, with particular interest in questions of dream, hysteria and transference. Prerequisite(s): ENG 124 or permission of instructor. Students need familiarity with basic film technique and history.; Cross Listing: ENG 261;FILM 261; IC; PI; R. Smith


This course seeks to recover the shifting history of what gender and sexual identity have meant in American history to the present day. Personal choice, cultural possibility, and the operations of the state have all come together to shape the ways in which people experienced sex and attraction (or did not), and understood masculinity, femininity, and non-binary identities over time. Through readings, short stories, oral histories, illustrations, and photographs we will engage with this history in search of a more complex understanding of present-day debates around these issues. PI, SA; C. Denial

GWST 271 Human Sexuality

An analysis and discussion of information and misinformation concerning human sexual anatomy and physiology, evolutionary and historical foundations of attitudes towards sexuality, sexuality research, sexual response and techniques of arousal, emotional health, contraception, STDs, diversity and cultural issues. Various research techniques are also discussed. Student participation and presentation are a major part of the course. Prerequisite(s): one 200-level psychology course; Cross Listing: PSYC 271; H. Hoffmann

GWST 275 Psychology of Gender

This course is an introduction to the psychological literature on gender. Both men's and women's issues are covered. Emphasis is placed on the analysis and interpretation of research findings, as well as a critique of research methodologies. Students are asked to design and conduct small-scale research projects, the results of which are reported in papers due at the end of the term. The course concludes with analysis and discussion of special topics chosen by students. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 100 or GWST 101; Cross Listing: PSYC 275; K. Shaw

GWST 280 Feminist Methodologies

The course examines the fundamental questions characteristic of the interdisciplinary field of Women's Studies, and explores the contributions of feminist scholarship in several specific disciplines that contribute to this field, such as literature, history, anthropology and sociology, philosophy of science, and psychology. Readings include both classic statements and recent writings. Prerequisite(s): one previous course in Gender and Women's Studies or permission of the instructor; M. Roy-Fequiere; staff

GWST 295 Special Topics (1/2 or 1)

Courses offered occasionally to students in special areas of Gender and Women's Studies not covered in the usual curriculum. Staff

GWST 302 Reproductive Justice in the US since 1973

This course invites students to dive deep into the issue of reproductive justice in the United States since the 1973 Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade. Students will pursue an independent research project into a topic of their choosing, related to reproductive justice. Together we will explore assisted reproductive technologies, abortion, contraception, queer parenting rights, transgender justice, and more. Prerequisite(s): HIST 285, GWST 280, or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: HIST 302; C. Denial

GWST 322 Women and Modern Chinese Literature

See description of ASIA 221. Additional research component and consent of the Instructor required for GWST 322. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing and one literature course or 200-level ASIA course with a C- or better; Cross Listing: ASIA 321;CHIN 321;CHIN 321; IC; PI; Offered annually, typically winter; W. Du

GWST 325 Beyond Stereotypes: Exploring Literature by Chicanas

During the past two decades Chicana writers have produced an innovative literature that not only dialogues with the male Chicano literary tradition, but vibrantly asserts its own core themes and stylistic and thematic contributions. We examine the innovative narrative, poetry and essay production of Chicana writers such as Gloria Anzaldua, Lorna Dee Cervantes, Elena Viramontes, Sandra Cisneros and Lucha Corpi among many others. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; Cross Listing: AMST 325; M. Roy-Fequiere

GWST 326 Psychological Anthropology: Self, Culture, and Society

How is our subjective experience of ourselves and others shaped by the social and cultural context in which we live? How might one investigate this? Are Western accounts of human psychology valid cross-culturally? Drawing on recent research in the field of psychological anthropology, this course takes a comparative approach to such topics as emotional experience and its expression, gender identity, the role of power in social life, language and discursive practices, notions of self and personhood, and the indigenous representation of these in various 'folk theories' or ethnopsychologies. Prerequisite(s): two courses in Anthropology and Sociology and junior standing; Cross Listing: ANSO 326; Staff

GWST 328 Race & Gender in the U.S. Welfare State

This course examines how political, economic, and cultural ideologies regarding race and gender work(ed) to frame the conception and creation of both the U.S. Welfare State and U.S. welfare policy. We will engage these ideas through an historical exploration of the ways that the U.S. Welfare State was enacted, framed, and codified through policy. In addition we will analyze how the creation of the Welfare State and its subsequent policies reflect American identity and cultural norms, and reinforce social inequities along racial and gendered lines. Prerequisite(s): ANSO 103 and Junior standing or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: ANSO 328; Not currently offered; Staff

GWST 332 Gender Studies in German Literature and Culture

How is gender constructed in the intellectual and literary history of German-speaking countries, and what are the interrelations between gender construction and the life of cultural or political institutions? Possible course topics include: literature as a gendered institution; sexuality and the state; education; gay/lesbian literature; gender and race. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: GERM 332E; PI; SA; T. Heidt

GWST 333 Global Feminism and Antifeminism

This course will examine backlashes against feminist movements, and against states and global forces that seek to mobilize men and women into more egalitarian roles. Considering examples from the United States, South Asia, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Latin America, this course will consider what sorts of people become antifeminists; how they organize within countries; how that organization has varied across time and cultures; and how international feminists have responded to these challenges. Prerequisite(s): at least one HSS course in which gender is a major theme; Cross Listing: PS 333; PI; K. Kampwirth

GWST 334 LGBT Politics in Latin America

The political visibility and rights of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans) community in Latin America has changed dramatically over the course of the last generation or two. This course will explore how and why political life has changed, and will compare the political experiences of LGBT citizens of several particular countries. The focus of the course is on the countries of Latin America, though LGBT political history in other areas, such as the U.S. and Europe, will be considered in the introduction to the course, which will analyze both institutional and social movement politics. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing; Cross Listing: PS 334; PI; K. Kampwirth

GWST 336 Science and the Social Construction of Race and Gender

See description for AFST 336. Cross Listing: AFST 336; M. Crawford; D. Cermak

GWST 348 Teaching Assistant (1/2 or 1)

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor; May be graded S/U at instructor's discretion; Staff

GWST 373 Topics in Women's and Gender History

Topics vary year to year. Current topics include: "Women, Gender and the American Revolution" - analyzing the form and function of gender in the revolutionary era. Course may be repeated for credit. Prerequisite(s): HIST 285, GWST 280, or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: HIST 373; C. Denial

GWST 383 Women Playwrights

Analysis of the works of female playwrights who represent diversity in race, nationality, perspective, and style. A brief review of the evolution of feminisms is traced in order to identify the areas of thought and conflict that most influence the condition of the female writer and specifically the playwright. Prerequisite(s): junior standing or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: AFST 383;ENG 383;THTR 383; E. Metz

GWST 395 Special Topics (1/2 or 1)

Courses offered occasionally to students in special areas of Gender and Women's Studies not covered in the usual curriculum. Staff

GWST 400 Advanced Studies (1/2 or 1)

See College Honors Program. Staff



Printed on Wednesday, February 5, 2025